God Sent A Savior
It has been said that if man's greatest need was learning, then God would have sent us an educator. If our greatest need was technology, God would have sent a scientist. If our greatest need was money, God would have sent an economist. If our greatest need was entertainment, God would have sent a performer. But, our greatest need was (and is) forgiveness, so God sent us a Savior.

Do you believe that? Is forgiveness the greatest need of mankind today? Some would deny such, but let's try to put things into their proper perspective. According to the inspired word of God, man has been created by the Lord (Gen. 1 & 2). The Father sent Jesus to be the Savior of the world (I John 4:14) because He knew that without such all would perish, for all have sinned (Rom. 3:23). God's hope is that we will choose to believe in His Son, Jesus the Christ, who gave His life as atonement for sin (Rom. 3:24-26). God's hope is that we will choose to turn from our wicked ways and be baptized for the forgiveness of our sins (Acts 2:38). God's hope is that we will serve Him faithfully until the end and then reside with Him eternally in heaven (Matt. 10:22).

Is Jesus your Savior? Are you showing the world everyday that He is your Savior by the things you say and do? Are you telling people in the world everyday that their greatest need is forgiveness? Or, are you communicating a different message? Satan is doing what he can to distract disciples of the Lord. He is laboring diligently to deceive us into believing that our greatest need is something temporary and physical. Don't let him do it!

The devil would have you believe that having fun with your friends is your greatest need as an early teenager. He would have you believe that getting an education is your greatest need in your late teens. He would have you believe that finding a spouse and starting a family is your greatest need as a young adult. He would have you believe that buying a house is your greatest need at midlife. He would have you believe that retiring early and having good health are your greatest needs as a senior citizen. But friends, Satan is wrong!

None of these temporary, physical things really matter. While there is nothing intrinsically wrong with any of them, and while they might be nice to have and enjoy, they are not our greatest needs! One can enter heaven without a formal education. One can enter heaven without having a family or friends. One can enter heaven without owning a house or acquiring any physical possession of value. One can enter heaven without ever retiring, and one can enter heaven with poor health. But, let us never forget that one cannot enter heaven without a Savior! If we are not careful, we will lose our spiritual focus and start believing that our greatest need is something physical. If we are not careful, we, like Demas, will fall in love with the world (II Tim. 4:10; cf. I John 2:15-17). Make no mistake, God sent us a Savior because our greatest need is forgiveness. Let us believe such and really live our lives in a way that communicates this truth.