2nd Quarter 2007
(April, May, & June)

AE Website Statistics
  • Unique visits this quarter: 24,973
  • Average unique visits per day: 274
  • Page views this quarter: 40,091
  • Average page views per day: 441
  • Unique visits since January 2005: 145,275
  • Page views since January 2005: 267,207
  • Current number of e-mail subscribers: 503
  • Current number of online archived lessons: 600
  • Number of CDs shipped this quarter: 100+
  • Since November 2006, we have shipped CDs to 19 different states and 23 foreign countries.

AE Recent Feedback

Below are portions of a recent e-mail received from the church of Christ in Nigeria:
"We wish to take this opportunity to express our deepest appreciation and profound gratitude and many big thanks for all your tremendous assistance, support, commitment and encouragement that you always provide for educating and proclaiming the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ throughout the whole world. May Almighty God bless your labour in the vineyard. We are very happy to tell you how our evangelitical work is continue progressing through the help of CDs that we received from your Ministry. The people of Nigeria like them very much and commend that it is like food to satisfy their hungry. It has captured the hearts of many people. It is not gainsaying these CDs works like magic. Most of our students has surrendered their lives for Christ.

Beloved, I wish to inform you that your CDs has created so much interest in our evangelism that we are not able to meet the ever increasing demands. Please we still need more CDs… We received a package on the 8th May 2007. May God continue to prosper you in all your divine work as you are building-up the Body of Christ. Please accept our heartfelt and sincere thanks… In Christian love and service, Moses Adeleke"

Review & What's Next
  • The Lord has blessed AE with another productive quarter. Our listeners and readers have downloaded over one-quarter of a million pages since AE’s inception! Our e-mail lists have finally exceeded 500 subscribers! Praise be to God! Please tell others about this online work devoted to evangelism and edification. May we sow and water the seed together and pray for God to bring forth the increase!

  • We are planning to release a new CD set soon on The Sermon on the Mount (hopefully during the 3rd quarter of this year). This will be our third CD release. We have many more CD releases planned (e.g., Some Principles of Bible Interpretation, Husband & Wife for Life, Studies in James, The One True Church, etc.). It is our hope to release a new CD for free distribution each quarter--as time and funds allow.
Questions or Comments?

We'd love to hear from you! Contact us using any of the following methods:

By phone: 1-217-935-5058

By e-mail: ContactUs@AudioEvangelism.com

Online: Visit our Contact Us page
By Postal Mail:
Audio Evangelism, Church of Christ
RR 2 Box 75 M,
Clinton, IL 61727
United States