1st Quarter 2009
(January, February, & March)

AE Website Statistics
  • Unique visits this quarter: 50,762
  • Average unique visits per day: 564
  • Page views this quarter: 86,272
  • Average page views per day: 959
  • Unique visits since January 2005: 428,606
  • Page views since January 2005: 797,467
  • Current number of e-mail subscribers: 922
  • Current number of online archived lessons: 880+
  • Number of CDs produced for free distribution this quarter: 1100+
  • Since November 2006, we have shipped CDs to 39 different states in America and 49 foreign countries.

AE Recent Feedback

Below are some quotes from a few recent e-mails we have received:

"I have just received your mail containing a number of your audio CDs. Praise God for the materials! I'm sure it will bless not only me but many others as well. Thanks! God richly bless you, your loved ones and your work!" - Joe T. (Philippines)

"Thanks for all the great work you do in putting together the valuable lessons and quality articles. God bless your efforts." - Eugene A. (Tennessee)

"I thank God for great work you are doing for Him. Your material are help us in Bible study and personal study. May God continue blessing you." - Samson O. (Kenya)

"I wanted to thank...everyone involved with AudioEvangelism.com, for the faith-building lessons I have found through your efforts. I have several of your CDs, that I listen to while driving, and I receive your daily devotionals which have helped to advance my knowledge of the scriptures. I have been so uplifted that I have passed along your website to others. May you continue to be blessed as you go about spreading the gospel and doing the Lord's work" - Bonnie M. (Ohio)

We'd love to hear from you! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have a comment, question, or concern.

Review & What's Next
  • A more streamlined look for the site is coming soon! We will explain the formatting changes when they are implemented.

  • We hope to begin using a new e-mail delivery and management system soon (Constant Contact). You will notice a difference in the look of our e-mails. Additionally, managing the subscriber lists will become an automated task (which should be a time saver for Patrick & Karen English, who have done an excellent job managing the lists manually for years).

  • Our sixth CD release ("The One, True Church") should be ready in the near future. Look for an announcement in the 2nd quarter of 2009.

  • The Lord has blessed this online effort richly in many ways, and we are thankful for the opportunity to be able to serve through this medium. Thank you for visiting AudioEvangelism.com regularly and studying God's word with us. Please tell others about this online work devoted to evangelism and edification. May we sow and water the seed together and pray for God to bring forth the increase to His glory!
Questions or Comments?

We'd love to hear from you! Contact us using any of the following methods:

By phone: 1-217-935-5058

By e-mail: ContactUs@AudioEvangelism.com

Online: Visit our Contact Us page
By Postal Mail:
Audio Evangelism
c/o Church of Christ
5450 Evans Rd
Clinton, IL 61727
United States