1st Quarter 2010
(January, February, & March)

AE Website Statistics
  • Unique visits this quarter: 82,391
  • Average unique visits per day: 915
  • Page views this quarter: 198,310
  • Average page views per day: 2203
  • Unique visits since January 2005: 698,034
  • Page views since January 2005: 1,349,012
  • Current number of e-mail subscribers: 1131
  • Current number of online archived lessons: 1040+
  • Number of CDs produced for free distribution this quarter: 1800+
  • Since November 2006, we have shipped CDs to 45 different states in America and 66 foreign countries.

AE Recent Feedback

Below are some quotes from a few recent e-mails we have received:

"This site is such a treasure!" - B. McClain, Sr. (Florida)

"Great site. Lots of great lessons. Thanks!!" - S. Baker (Illinois)

"You are doing a fantastic work for the Lord..May God continue to bless you and the church in your neck of the woods." - D. Tomlinson (Jamaica)

"You have a very good and attractive website. I am glad to use it. Thank you." - B. Burton (Oklahoma)

We'd love to hear from you! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have a comment, question, or concern.

Review & What's Next
  • Our 7th CD release has been delayed due to many other projects in the works and tight financial resources at the moment. Lord willing, we will release another volume later this year.

  • We are always looking for ways to improve AE as time will permit. One project in the works is an Audio Evangelism Bible Commentary. As regular visitors to the site already know, we often post textual studies of various books of the Bible. Currently, we have completed detailed studies in: Ruth, Ecclesiastes, Jonah, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Philippians, & James. Our studies in Job are over 75% complete currently. We will be diving into Acts in the summer. We hope to have a special place later this year where all of our textual lessons are organized by book (which should make them much easier to find). If the Lord wills, we would love to one day have detailed studies posted for every book of God's wonderful word!

  • Again, we would like to thank the Sunnyside Road Church of Christ (Decatur, IL) for their help with this work. These dedicated Christians have helped us duplicate, label, and prepare CDs for mailing and have also helped pay for materials and postage. It is a wonderful blessing when Christians can work together to God's glory! We look forward to continuing to work with them in this way.

  • The Lord has blessed this online effort richly in many ways, and we are thankful for the opportunity to be able to serve through this medium. Thank you for visiting AudioEvangelism.com regularly and studying God's word with us. Please tell others about this online work devoted to evangelism and edification. May we sow and water the seed together and pray for God to bring forth the increase to His glory!
Questions or Comments?

We'd love to hear from you! Contact us using any of the following methods:

By phone: 1-217-935-5058

By e-mail: ContactUs@AudioEvangelism.com

Online: Visit our Contact Us page
By Postal Mail:
Audio Evangelism
c/o Church of Christ
5450 Evans Rd
Clinton, IL 61727
United States