2nd Quarter 2011
(April, May, & June)

AE Website Statistics
  • Unique visits this quarter: 77,840
  • Average unique visits per day: 855
  • Page views this quarter: 252,759
  • Average page views per day: 2778
  • Unique visits since January 2005: 1,079,717
  • Page views since January 2005: 2,451,943
  • Current number of e-mail subscribers: 1334
  • Current number of online archived lessons: 1220+
  • Number of CDs produced for free distribution this quarter: 900+
  • Since November 2006, we have shipped CDs to 46 different states in America and 85 foreign countries.

AE Recent Feedback

Below are some quotes from a few recent e-mails we have received:

"I received two Cds from Audio Evangelism today...I am going to start studying them immediately. I believe that they will be of tremendous help to me in my Preaching and Teaching Ministry. Thank you very much for responding to my request in sending me these two Cds... May God continue to bless this good work." - K. Providence (St. Vincent)

"I love your site. Keep up the great work!" - N. Romany (Barbados)

"I have CDs that you all had sent to me some time ago. I want to take this opportunity to say thank you and thank God, literally, for them. These are really well done and very insightful, and most importantly, truthful! Thank you in advance and may God bless all who work and labor in His Kingdom. To God be the glory!" - A. Campbell (Georgia)

"The audio cds you sent to me have tremendous work material...May HE continue to bless you" - M. Mekathy (Cameroon)

We'd love to hear from you! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have a comment, question, or concern.

Review & What's Next
  • House to House/Heart to Heart featured our CDs on the back page of their March/April 2011 issue. We received approximately 200 requests from this promotion. Thank you HTH!

  • We have completed the "Studies in Acts" series this quarter and will soon be compiling the lessons on a single page for ease of use. We now have textual studies on 10 complete books of the Bible in the archives section. Soon we will start organizing these lessons by book on a separate page. Look for an announcement on this soon.

  • Email reminders (sent to those who subscribe for email updates) now have direct links to the listed lessons.

  • We will be adding a new feature soon that will enable users to more easily download audio lessons to their computers or MP3 players.

  • AudioEvangelism.com is now on Twitter! Twitters users may follow @AudioEvangelism for the latest updates to our site. We are also working to increase our outreach potential via Facebook as well. Announcements on this will be coming soon!

  • The Lord has blessed this online effort richly in many ways, and we are thankful for the opportunity to be able to serve through this medium. Thank you for visiting AudioEvangelism.com regularly and studying God's word with us. Please tell others about this online work devoted to evangelism and edification. May we sow and water the seed together and pray for God to bring forth the increase to His glory!
Questions or Comments?

We'd love to hear from you! Contact us using any of the following methods:

By phone: 1-217-935-5058

By e-mail: ContactUs@AudioEvangelism.com

Online: Visit our Contact Us page
By Postal Mail:
Audio Evangelism
c/o Church of Christ
5450 Evans Rd
Clinton, IL 61727
United States